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Lesson plans and training materials for schools and businesses. We also have a range of free downloadable resources and special promotions for certain events. Our aim is to work with organisations, helping to foster a positive atmosphere conducive to learning and to assist businesses with staff training. Discount codes contained within certain products.

Lesson plans and training materials for schools and businesses. We also have a range of free downloadable resources and special promotions for certain events. Our aim is to work with organisations, helping to foster a positive atmosphere conducive to learning and to assist businesses with staff training. Discount codes contained within certain products.
Feed a Family on a Budget

Feed a Family on a Budget

Tips and strategies to help families eat well while saving money: Creating a grocery budget Compiling a money-saving shopping list Strategic meal planning and recipes How to reduce your food shopping costs General tips for lowering your grocery bills Discount codes for future purchases included.
Suicide Awareness and Prevention

Suicide Awareness and Prevention

This book covers suicide from a variety of perspectives including the reasons behind suicide, the groups who are most at risk, the warning signs of suicidal ideation, and how we can prevent suicides in our communities. It contains a section on suicide in a variety of settings including: Schools Workplaces Waterways Railways Addiction treatment centres Prison services Discount codes for future purchases included.
Problems with Alcohol (lesson plan)

Problems with Alcohol (lesson plan)

This lesson plan uses role play to examine some of the problems alcohol can cause among young people. Topics covered include: What are some of the** dangers associated with alcohol?** How does alcohol affect the body? Does alcohol cause depression?
Playground Bullying (lesson plan)

Playground Bullying (lesson plan)

A lesson plan on playground bullying, the issues caused and addressing the issue. Topics covered include: What is playground bullying? How can schools deal with bullying? How can we encourage people to report bullying?
Suicide Prevention (lesson plan)

Suicide Prevention (lesson plan)

A lesson plan designed to promote suicide awareness and prevention. Topics covered include: What is suicide? What are some suicide myths? What are some of the causes of suicide? What are the warning signs of a potential suicide? Can we prevent suicide?
Exam Stress (lesson plan)

Exam Stress (lesson plan)

This lesson plan provides information and advice on dealing with exam stress. Topics covered include: What is exam stress? What are some symptoms of exam stress? How can we deal with exam stress? Exam stress tips
Introduction to Depression (lesson plan)

Introduction to Depression (lesson plan)

This lesson plan introduces depression and the way it affects us physically and mentally. Topics covered include: What is depression? What causes depression? What are the signs of depression? How can we cope with depression?
Introduction to Loneliness (lesson Plan)

Introduction to Loneliness (lesson Plan)

A lesson plan that introduces loneliness and the way it affects our physical and mental health. Topics covered include: What is loneliness? The causes of loneliness? Signs of loneliness? The effects of loneliness How to tackle loneliness?
Bullying and Cyberbullying (lesson plan)

Bullying and Cyberbullying (lesson plan)

A lesson plan on bullying and cyberbullying. It examines how to deal with bullying and cyberbullying and contains handouts for the classroom. The topics covered include: What is bullying? How to tackle bullying What is cyberbullying?
Healthy Eating (lesson plan)

Healthy Eating (lesson plan)

This lesson plan covers healthy eating, different food types and how to develop a healthy diet. Topics covered include: The benefits of different food groups How to eat healthily Reducing sugar in our diet
Bullying (lesson plan)

Bullying (lesson plan)

This lesson plan covers what bullying is and the different types of bullying. It discusses the bully and the targets of bullying and how to tackle the problem. Topics covered include: Why bullying goes unreported The role of the bully The role of the target The role of the bystander Tackling cyberbullying
After COVID-19 — PSHE (lesson plan)

After COVID-19 — PSHE (lesson plan)

The personal, social, health and educational issues of COVID-19 are examined in this lesson plan. Topics covered include: The effect of Covid-19 on our social lives How Covid-19 affected education Covis-19 and personal hygiene The effect of Covid-19 on family life
What Would You Do?

What Would You Do?

A series of plays involving a moral dilemma followed by activities to encourage discussion and further investigation. Topics covered include: The problems of drinking Tackling bullying The** impact of drugs and alcohol** The effects of exam stress Discount codes for future purchases included.
Over to You

Over to You

A valuable PSHE resource pack covering self-esteem, motivation, confidence and self-awareness — a comprehensive trainer manual containing workshops and worksheets. Topics covered include: What is self-esteem? The importance of communication How to combat loneliness Guilt and forgiveness Assertiveness The importance of goal-setting Discount codes for future purchases included.
PSHE Activities

PSHE Activities

A set of PSHE activities and topics for discussion including alcohol & drugs, gender issues, bullying, depression and self-esteem. Topics covered include: What is sexism? How families communicate Misjudging people Our role in life Healthy eating Discount codes for future purchases included.
Families and Relationships

Families and Relationships

This pack deals with relationships, families & mixed families, parent/child relationships, dating, marriage and single-parent families. Topics covered include: What is a family? Making a family tree The difficulties of relationships Mixed families The impact of divorce and separation Discount codes for future purchases included.
Effective Job Hunting

Effective Job Hunting

Examining the job hunting process including career decisions, contacting agencies and job centres etc. Topics covered included: Responding to job advertisements Using employment agencies Making speculative job applications Writing CVs Preparing for interviews Discount codes for future purchases included.
Dealing with Addiction

Dealing with Addiction

Providing the facts about substance abuse, gambling, gaming & food addiction as well as how to help people recover from addiction. Topics covered include: What is addiction? The effects of alcohol and drugs The impact of smoking The damage caused by gambling addiction Food addiction Gaming addiction Discount codes for future purchases included.